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Christar exists to glorify God by establishing churches among least-reached peoples worldwide.

Glorify God

We exist, intentionally, to bring honor and glory to God.

Establishing Churches

We understand that we may bring honor to God by establishing churches where they do not exist. We are a “church-planting” organization. All that we do should contribute to establishing churches where there were none before.


This refers to people who have no access to a church in their own language, culture or in proximity to where they live.


The Vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honouring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshipped.

Christ-Honoring Transformation

Transformation speaks to the process as well as the outcome. In the establishment of indigenous churches we pursue a Christ-honoring influence on the community at large.

As workers who partner with God in His work, we are a part of the transformation process that God is bringing about. God’s promise in Revelation 5:9 is clear.

People from every tongue, tribe, people and nation will worship God in eternity. Our vision is to go to those people who are not accounted for in the eternal roll call of nations!

Core Value

The Body of Christ

We value the importance of the Church in its diverse expressions.

  • We are all commissioned by sending churches.
  • We are strongly committed to working together as teams.
  • We reflect the body of Christ as we function in multi-gifted teams.
  • We especially seek to plant reproducing, indigenous churches among the least-reached.
  • We maintain a partnership with sending and supporting churches.
  • We appreciate the diverse ethnic backgrounds within the body of Christ and the contributions that result from ministering together.
  • We are committed to partnering with like-minded individuals, churches and organizations in planting churches among the least-reached.


We value the equipping of workers to minister fruitfully.

  • We thoroughly prepare ourselves for ministry, especially in biblical education.
  • We encourage an atmosphere of lifelong learning.
  • We provide what is needed to enhance ministry: strategic ministry teams, ministry coordinators, partnerships and logistical support.
  • We emphasize the importance of learning the language of the people to whom we minister.
  • We maintain financial stability and an administrative structure that is conducive to effective ministry on the field.
  • We provide personal accountability for accomplishing ministry goals.
  • We nurture mutual trust, faithfulness and cooperation in all areas of our work.
  • We persist in seeing the work through to completion.


We value a growing love for God, a humble dependence upon His Word and a serious commitment to prayer.

  • We strive to bring glory to God in all that we do, say and think.
  • We commit every aspect of our lives and ministries to God in prayer.
  • We willingly deny self and suffer loss.
  • We are committed to moral purity.
  • We study Scripture in order to understand God and His purposes for our lives and ministries.
  • We are committed to sound biblical doctrine.
  • We insist upon the highest levels of integrity and accountability throughout our organization.

Personal Development

We value our people as individuals, families and teams.

  • We take a holistic approach to enhance each member’s emotional, physical, spiritual and relational well-being.
  • We offer access to qualified caregivers who can provide help that is both appropriate and adequately suited to the needs of our members.
  • We consider the preferences and needs of each family.
  • We seek to follow the Lord’s command to love and forgive one another.


We value innovation in ministry.

  • We make use of the variety of gifts that our members possess.
  • We view the needs of people as opportunities for ministry.
  • We make field-based ministry decisions.
  • We encourage our people to initiate new ministries.

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International Director

Meet International Director Brent Mchugh

As International Director of Christar, Brent McHugh provides spiritual, visionary, executive and developmental leadership. His charge is to serve God, Christar workers and the least-reached by shepherding the ministries of Christar, in order to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in least-reached communities.

Brent and his wife, Kim, became believers after they were married while Brent was pursuing a career at Walgreens. After serving in their home church and attending a “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” course, they felt called to work among the least-reached and attended Columbia International University (CIU) to become better equipped for ministry. There, Brent and Kim became acquainted with Christar and eventually sensed a call to work among refugees in the Middle East.

They served in the Middle East for nearly 10 years, focusing on church planting, leadership development and theological education. Brent also served in a leadership role for workers in the region; Kim briefly served as a regional Women’s Ministry Coordinator before Brent accepted the role of International Director of Christar.

Brent’s vision as International Director is to mobilize “from anywhere to everywhere”

Brent’s vision as International Director is to mobilize “from anywhere to everywhere”: to partner with churches to send workers from many nations to people groups with the greatest need for the gospel.

Brent and Kim have been married since 1985, and their first grandchild was born in 2013. In his free time, Brent loves surf fishing, and recently took up kayaking. He’s also a big baseball fan and enjoys cheering on the Red Sox, as well as the Celtics and the New England Patriots in the off season.